Bidding On You Teasers
This is going to be a living blog entry because I’m going to drop all of my teasers in here as I drop them!
Teaser from Qi’s POV:
As we head towards the movie theater, Tristan leans into my ear and responds to my earlier lament about him taking all the loss. “Never once have you lied or led me on. You told me from the very beginning what I was up against, so if this doesn’t go my way, then I’m a fully aware adult-in-training who knew the odds upfront. Besides, even if I don’t win your heart, I still won your friendship at the very least, and that alone is worth every effort I’ve already put in and more,” he says earnestly.
I stop, the world almost spinning at his words. I know he likes me, but it’s in these simple things he says that makes me really feel how deep that is for him and it just confuses me. He’s the epitome of some magical fairy tale prince, and I’m just… me.
I look up at Tristan, the sincerity in his gaze as he looks at me and I almost choke on it. That realization that I’m desired that much by someone as amazing as him. “Why me, Tristan? I’ve never done anything to deserve this much consideration. You make me out to be some ethereal prize and I’m only just me,” I ask in a daze.
Tristan gives me a lopsided smile and tucks a tendril of my hair that had fallen loose back behind my ear. “But just you is all I’ve ever wanted. I’m not putting you on some magical pedestal. The more I know you, the more I see you. And the more I see you, the more I want you. To you, you are just you, but to me, you are my reason. My reason for wanting to be better. My reason for smiling. My reason for understanding myself and the world around me better. My reason for finally breaking through the fog of apathy I've been drowning in for far too long. The more I see you, the more the world makes sense to me, Qi,” he says plainly.
I can’t help the raw emotion that floods through me at that. It’s visceral and overwhelming and I know that I’m looking at everything I’ve ever wanted in a partner, but I still don’t know if it’s enough. This crash of want and neutrality almost warring inside of me takes my breath away. Before I can think it through I almost fall into him, throwing my arms around him and burying my face into the crook of his neck.
His arms immediately wrap around me and he pulls me in tight. This weight of safety, a net of security, and this deep sense of longing rivet through me. “I don’t know what it’s worth, but I don’t think I’ve ever hoped to fall in love with someone as much as I hope I’ll fall in love with you,” I whisper into Tristan’s skin.
Tristan’s arm tightens around me and he drops his head into my hair to give me a kiss on the head. It’s both odd and ridiculously endearing and it makes the revelation coursing through me all that more tangible. I want him, I just don’t know if that’s in a way that will ever be enough for either of us. I pull away from him with a sniffle. I’m never gonna find out if we don’t keep going. It’s either keep digging and hope, or throw in the towel and always wonder.
Teaser from Tristan’s POV:
Qi’s dad’s a bit blunt as well. The second time I was here, I think Qi wanted the floor to swallow him whole when his dad handed me a book that had everything anyone could possibly ever need and consequentially never need to know about the butt. I’m not going to stand here and pretend like I don’t know why he gave it to me. If ever there was an acceptance in knowing your son will possibly engage in butt stuff with another person, it would be giving that other person an instruction manual on the butt and how to properly engage in sexual activities with said butt.
Teaser from Tristan’s POV:
“Will you kiss me now?” he breathes into my ear and my soul about leaves my body. I got so caught up in confessions that I almost forgot about the kiss I drove across the city for. Well, really, I drove across the city for Qi. There’s no distance I won’t cross to get to him. But there was the promise of a kiss this time.
I lightly trail my nose down his neck, along his jawline and up his cheek until my lips are hovering just over his, feeling the way his breath hitches in his throat. Not even a breath apart. The slightest movement from either of us is all it would take to connect them.
“Is that what you want?” I ask him. Half teasing and half giving him one more chance to back out. I know he wants this, but I also don’t want to push him faster than he’s ready.
His eyes focus on mine and I can see the desire there. He’s as captivated and in this moment as I am. A few breaths pass between us. The steady rise and fall of our chests as we stare into each other’s eyes. My heart is in my chest. Every nerve I have is suspended on the edge of exploding. It’s like stepping onto the field for the first game of the season. That crackle of electricity, that excitement of taking the first step of an unknown but highly anticipated season. Only this is infinitely stronger. Like every excited emotion I’ve ever felt coming together and coalescing into one moment, and that moment is the sweetness of Qi’s breath fanning across my lips.
“Yeah, I want that,” he breaks the silence.